This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo-1.63 from the input file vera.texi. START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * V.E.R.A.: (vera). Virtual Entity of Relevant Aconyms END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY This is a special GNU edition of V.E.R.A., a list dealing with computational acronyms. Copyright (C) 1993/1998 Oliver Heidelbach Please send corrections to Oliver Heidelbach . Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies. Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Free Software Foundation. Within the above restrictions the distribution of this document is explicitly encouraged and I hope you'll find it of some value. This dictionary has nothing to do with Systems Science Inc. or its products. File:, Node: C, Next: D, Prev: B, Up: Top -- C -- ******* Commodore 128 [computer] (Commodore) Command and Control Information Systems mil., USA Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence mil., USA C3IIS Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence Information Systems mil., USA, "C3I/IS" Command, Control, Communications and Computers mil., USA Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence mil., USA Commodore 64 [computer] (Commodore) Cell Arrival (ATM) Certification Authority cryptography Computer Animation Computer Associates manufacturer Computer Aided Architectural Design Carrier Access Billing System Computer Aided Crime Connection Admission Control (UNI, ATM) CACEAS Computer-Assisted Circuit Engineering and Allocating System CACTIS Community Automated Counter-Terrorism Intelligence System mil., USA Computer Aided Dispatch / Drafting Computer Aided Design (CIM) Computer Aided Document Engineering (Microstar) Computer-Assisted Display System Client Application Enabler (IBM, DB) Common Application Environment (X/Open) Computer Aided Education Computer Aided Engineering (CIM) Computer Aided Inspection (CIM) Computer Aided Instruction Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns conference Common APSE Interface Specification Central Academy of Information Technology org., MITI Computer Aided Logistics Computer Assisted Learning Computer aided Acquisition and Logistics Support Continuous Aquisition and Life-cycle Support Common Access Method (SCSI) Computer Aided Manufacturing CAMAC Computer Automated Measurement And Control Computer Assisted Material Management Complete Area Networks (SNI) Controller Area Network Computer Aided Office Carrierless Amplitude Phase [modulation] (ADSL, AT&T) Communications-electronics Accommodation Program Component Approval Process Computer Aided Planning (CIM) Computer Aided Publishing Computer Applications in Production and Engineering conference, IFIP Communication Application Program Interface (ISDN, API) Cryptography Application Pprogramming Interface cryptography, API Computer Aided Process Planning CAPSL CAnnon Printing System Language (Canon), "CaPSL" Computer Aided Quality [control] Central Access Routing (RND) Computer Aided Retrieval Computer Assisted Radiology CARCAS Computer Aided aRchiving and Change Accounting System CARDS Central Archive for Reusable Defense Software mil., USA Computer Assistance Resource Exchange CARLOS Computer Aided Real Language Orthographic System Column Address Strobe (IC, DRAM) Communicating Applications Specification (FAX, Intel, DCA) Computer Aided Selling Computer Algebra System Computerized Autodial System Common Application Service Element (ISO, OSI) Computer Aided Software Engineering Computer Aided Service Handling (Ashton-Tate), "C.A.S.H." ??? cryptography Computer Aided Software Testing Central Alaska Time [-1000] (TZ) Common Authentication Technology (IETF, RFC 1511) Computer Aided Technology fair Computer Aided Telephony Computer Aided Testing Computer Aided Telephone Interviewing CATIS Computer-Assisted Tactical Information System mil., USA CATNIP Common ArchiTecture for Next generation Internet Protocol (IPNG, RFC 1707) CAUCE Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email org., Internet, Spam, UCE Constant Angular Velocity (CD, HDD, MOD) Cave for Automated Virtual Environment (VR) Computer Associates - Visual Objects (CA, DB), "CA-VO" CBASIC Commercial Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (BASIC) Cipher Block Chaining [mode] DES, DESE, RC5, cryptography CallBack Control Protocol Computer Based Conversation System (BBS) Character Bitmap Distribution Format (Adobe) Connectionless Broadband Data Service Europe Certified Banyan Engineer (Banyan) CBEMA Computer & Business Equipment Manufacturers Association org. Code Behind Form (MS, Access, DB) Ceramic Ball and Grid Array (IC) CBIOS Compatibility Basic Input Output System (IBM, BIOS) Connectionless Broadband Data Service Constant Bit Rate (ATM, VBR, ABR, UBR, QOS) Certified Banyan Specialist (Banyan) Canon Buffer Transmission (Fax) Computer-Based Training Core Based Tree [multicast protocol] (IP, RFC 1949) Computerized Branch eXchange (PBX) Carbon Copy Continuity Cell (ATM) Country Code (MS-ISDN, GSM) Cross Connector Call Control Agent Function (IN) Chaos Computer Club org. Computer Control Center Cube Connected Cycles (MP) Campus Computer Communication Association org., USA Common Control CHannel (GSM) Center for Cyber Communities Initiative org., Japan Charge Coupled Device [visual basic] Control Creation Edition (VB, ActiveX, MS) Connection Control Entity CCETT Centre Commun d'Etudes de Telediffusion et Telecommunications Org., France ??? org. Central Computer Facility Connection Control Function (IN) Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tube (LCD, Display) CCIRN Coordinating Committee of International Networks org. Common Channel Interoffice Signaling (AT&T) CCITT Comite Consultatif International Telegraphique et Telephonique org., ITU, Vorlaeufer Cerberus Central Limited manufacturer Change Configuration Management Common Channel Network Controller Computer / Communications Network Center CCNUMA Cache-Coherent Non Uniform Memory Access (SMP, NUMA), "cc-NUMA" [PPP] Compression Control Protocol (PPP, RFC 1962) Command Console Processor (CP/M) Compact Communication Products (TPS) Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery (OSI) Current Cell Rate (ATM) CCRMA Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics org., Stanford, UK Cambridge Cybernetic Society org. Common Channel Signaling (IN) Common Command Set (SCSI) Common Communications Support (IBM, SAA) Communications-Computer Systems, "C-CS" Common Channel signaling System 7 (IN, Telekom, CCITT) CCSID Coded Character Set IDentification (IBM) Cooperative Computing System Program (HP) China Coast Time [+0800] (TZ) Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency org., UK Cache Control Unit (Wyse) C-bit Coding Violation [error event] (DS3/E3) Carrier Detect (MODEM, RS-232) Change Directory (DOS, Unix, OS/2) Committee Draft (ISO) Compact Disk Communications Decency Act (Internet, USA) Compound Document Architecture (DEC) Connectionless Data Bearer Service Computerized Digital Branch eXchange (PBX) Control Data Corporation manufacturer Component Design Document Compact Disk - Digital Audio CD, digital audio, "CD-DA" Copper Distributed Data Interface (FDDI, UTP) Common Desktop Environment Compact Disk - Erasable (CD), "CD-E" Cooperative Development Environment (Oracle) Channel Definition Format (MS, Internet, XML) Compound Document Framework (IBM, OLE) Compact Disk File System (CD, OS/2, IBM) Compact Disk + Graphics (CD), "CD+G" Compact Disk - Interactive (CD), "CD-I" CASE Data Interchange Format (CASE) Control Development Toolkit (MS, VB) Compressed Data Mode Code Division Multiple Access (DFUE) CDMIDI Compact Disk + Musical Instruments Digital Interface (CD, MIDI), "CD+MIDI" Compact Disk - Magneto Optical (CD), "CD-MO" Communication Driver Maintenance System (ISDN, HST) Cellular Digital Packet Data Cellular Digital Packet Data (Mobile Systems) Compact Disk - Recordable (CD), "CD-R" Character Data Representation Architecture CDRAM Cached Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM, DRAM, IC) Cross DOMAIN Ressource Manager (VTAM, SSCP, IBM) CDROM Compact Disk - Read Only Memory (CD), "CD-ROM" CDROMXA Compact Disk - ROM / eXtended Architecture (CD, MPC), "CD-ROM/XA" Compact Disk - ReWritable (CD), "CD-RW" Cell Directory Service (DCE) Current Directory Structure (BIOS. DOS) Common Data Securuty Architecture HP, cryptography Creative Decision Stimulation Systems (AI, DSS) Cell Delay Tolerance (ATN) Central Daylight Time [-0500] (TZ, CST, USA) Commodore Dynamic Total Vision (Commodore) Cell Delay Variation (UNI, ATM, QOS) Cell Delay Variation Tolerance (UNI, ATM, CDV) Compact Disk - Write Once (CD), "CD-WO" Communaute / Comunique Europeenne Europe Communications-Electronics, "C-E" Compact Edition (MS, Windows) Connection Endpoint (UNI) CEARCH Cisco Educational ARCHive (Cisco, WWW) CEBIT welt CEntrum Buero Information Telekommunikation fair, "CeBIT" CEECEB Central and Eastern European Countries EDIFACT Board org., EDIFACT, "CEEC/EB" Continuous Edge Graphics (Grafik, IC) Connection Endpoint Identifier (UNI) Card Edge Low Profile [socket] Code Excited Linear Prediction Comite Europeen de Normalisation Europa, Brussels CENELEC Comite Europeen de Normalisation ELECtrotechnique Org., CEN, Europe CEPAC CMOS-Ein-Platinen-Allzweck-Computer (IC, CMOS, C'T) CEPIS Council of European Professional Informatics Societies Org., Europe Conference of European Postal and Telecommunications administrations Org., CCITT, conference, Europa Cell Error Ratio (ATM) CERFNET California Educational and Research Federation NETwork network, "CERFNet" Conseil Europeenne pour la Recherche Nucleaire Org., Europe, Genf Computer Emergency Response Team (DARPA, CMU, Internet) C-bit Errored Seconds (DS3/E3) Circuit Emulation Service Consumer Electronics Show fair, USA CESAR Central Employment Search And Retrieval (WWW) Central European Time [+0100] (TZ, MET) Centro de Estudes de Telecomunicoes org., Portugal Carry Flag assembler Center for Architecture org., JIEO, DISA Code Fiels Address (Forth) Cipher FeedBack [mode] cryptography, DES Call For Diskussion (Internet) Computational Fluid Dynamics [applications] Center for Engineering org., JIEO, DISA Compact Font Format (Adobe) CAD Framework Initiative org., CAD ConFiguration Management (FDDI, SMT) Committee to Fight Microsoft Corporation org., MS Call For Papers Center for Standards org., JIEO, DISA Call For Vote (Internet, Usenet), "CfV" Colour Graphics Adapter Graphics Communications Association org. CGARI Graphics Communications Association Research Institute org., CGA Common Gateway Interface (WWW) Computer Generated Imagery Computer Graphics Interface Computer Graphics International conference Computer Graphics Metafile (ISO 8632) Copy Generation Management System (CD) Computer Graphics Reference Model (ISO, IEC, ISO/IEC 11072) CGVDI ??? [Grafikbibliothek], "CG-VDI" CHAID CHisquard Automatic Interaction Detector / Detection (SPSS) [PPP] Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (PPP, RFC 1334/1994) CHange Code Page (DOS) Computer Hardware Description Language (HDL) CHEST Computers in Higher Education Software Team org., UK CHILL CCITT HIgh Level programming Language (CCITT) Common Hardware Reference Platform (AIM) Cylinder Head Sectors C Hardware Specific Module (NEST, MLID, Novell) Check In (RCS) Coded Information Configuration Item (CM) Congestion Indicator Computer Incident Advisory Capability org., LLNL, Internet Computer Integrated Business Carrier Identification Code Coordination and Information Center (CSNET) Center of Innovative Computer Applications org. Customer Information Control System (IBM) CICSESA Customer Information Control System/Enterprise Systems Architecture (IBM), "CICS/ESA" CICSVS Customer Information Control System / Virtual Storage (IBM), "CICS/VS" Configuration - Installation - Distribution (IBM) CIDIR Classless Internet DOMAIN Routing [protocol] (???, CIDR) Classless Internet DOMAIN Routing [protocol] (RFC 1519) Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage org. Common Internet File System Computer Integration Laboratories org., Apple, IBM, Novell, Sun, ... CILABS Component Integration LABoratorieS org.,, OpenDoc, Apple, IBM, Adobe, ..., CILabs Computer Integrated Manufacturing Cisco Information Online (Cisco, WWW) Carrier Identification Parameter Classical IP over ATM (IP, ATM, IETF) Computer Integrated Processing Computer-Investitions-Programm Committed Information Rate (ATM) Cross Interleaved Reed-salomon Code (CD) CIRCIT Centre for International Research on Communication and Information Technology Org., Australia Card Information Structure / Space (PCMCIA) Command Information System mil., USA Compuserve Information Systems network Complex Instruction Set Computer (CPU) Computer and Information Science Directorate org., NSF CISPR Comite International Special des Pertubations Radioelectriques org. Center for Information Systems Security Org., JIEO, DISA, mil., USA Computer Integrated Telephony Computer Intergrated Tooling CITED Copyright In Transmitted Electronic Documents (ESPRIT) CIVIC Cyclone Integrated Video Interfaces Controller (Apple) Commercial Internet eXchange (ISP) ConnectionLess (CO) CLASS Centralized Local Area Selective Signaling CLASS Custom Local Area Signaling Service Certified Lotus Engineer (Lotus) Call Level Interface (SAQ, X/Open, Informix, ...) CLear Interupt assembler Command Line Interpreter / Interface (OS) Calling Line IDentification Common LISP Interface Manager (CLOS, LISP) Configurable Long Instruction Word (IC, CPU) ConnectionLess Layer (UNI, NNI, ATM) CLNAP Connectionless Network Access Protocol (UNI, NNI, ATM) ConnectionLess Network Protocol (OSI, ISO 8473) ConnectionLess Network Service Common LISP Object System (LISP) Cell Loss Priority (UNI, ATM, CLR) Cell Loss Ratio (UNI, ATM, QOS) Card Loading Signal ConnectionLess Service Function CLSID CLasS IDentifier (COM) ConnectionLess Transport Protocol (OSI) Color LookUp Table (VGA) Constant Linear Velocity (CD, MOD) Configuration Management Configuration Manager (BIOS, PNP) Connection Management (RR, MM, GSM) Communication Manager /2 (IBM), "CM/2" Connection Machine 5 (TMC) Common Messaging Calls [interface] (XAPIA) Complement Carry Flag assembler Computer Mediated Communications [studies centre] org., USA Component Management Entity Cyan Magenta Gelb Schwarz color system, DTP Coded Mark Inversion Connection Manager Interface (IBM, SNA) China Medical Informatics Association org., China Common Management Information Protocol (OSI, ISO, DP 9506, X.700) Common Management Information Service (OSI) CMISE Common Management Information Service Element (CMIS) Color Management Method (DTP, ICM) Cache/Memory Management Unit CMIP Over LLC (OSI, LLC) Complementary-symmetry Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (IC) CMIP Over TCP (OSI, RFC 1189, CMIP, TCP) Cooperative Marketing Partner (DEC) Cell Misinsertion Rate (ATM) Code Management System (DEC, CM) Color Management System Conversational Monitor System (IBM, VME) Connection ManagemenT (FDDI) Carnegie-Mellon-University org. Cyan Magenta Yellow color system, DTP Cyan Magenta Yellow blacK color system, DTP Communications Network Connection Management (Mobile Systems) Coordination Message (ISO 9646-3, TTCN) Copy Network Corporate Network Communication Network Architecture (SEL) Communications Network Application Center for Neural Basis of Cognition org., CMU, AI Communications Network Control Computerized Numerical Control Caldera Network Desktop (Linux) Caller Number Delivery (MODEM) Certified Netware Engineer (Novell, Netware) CNEPA Certified Netware Engineers Professional Association org., Netware Centre Nationale d'Etudes des Telecommunications Org., France Certified Netware Instructor (Novell, Netware) Common Network Interface CNIDIR Coalition for Networked Information DIRectories (Internet) Communications Network Management Customer Network Management Communications Network for Manufacturing Applications Cylink Network Management System Corparate Network Products (TPS) CNRCVUUCP Compressed News ReCeive Via UUCP Complimentary Network Service Copuserve Network Services (CIS) Check Out (RCS) Connection Oriented (CL) COAST Cache On A STick (Intel) COAST Computer Operations, Audit and Security Technology org. COBOL COmmon Business Orientated Language COBRA ??? Org., Netherlands Cost Of Cracking Adjustment cryptography COCOT Customer Owned Coin Operated Telephone Connection Oriented Data CODASYSL Conference On DAta Systems Languages conference CODCF Central Office Data Connecting Facility Client/server Open Development Environment (Powersoft) COlor Depth Enhancement (ATI) CODEC COder - DECoder Central Office Equipment COEES COE Engineering System (COE) COFDM ??? digital audio Common Object File Format (Unix) COIPX Connection Orientated Internet Packet eXchange (Novell, Netware, IPX), "CO-IPX" Caldera Open Linux (Caldera, Linux) Computer Output on LaserDisk COLIBRI COprozessor fuer LISP auf der Basis von RISC (RISC) Component Object Model (OLE, OLE2, OCX, ActiveX, MS) Computer Output on Microfilm Continuation of Message Cache Only Memory Architecture (SMP) COMAL COMmon Algorithmic Language COMDEX COMputer Dealer's EXposition fair COMPARTS COMputergestuetztes PARtner-TeilebestandsSystem (MBAG) COMTECH COMputer TECHnologies fair CONCERT Communications for North Carolina Education, Research and Technology network CONCISE COSINE Network's Central Information Service for Europe COSINE, network CONLAN ??? [hardware desription language] (HDL) Connection Oriented Networking Service CONTAC Central Office NeTwork ACcess COBOL Object Orientated Language (OOP, COBOL) Concurrent Object Orientated Programming (OOP) Character-Oriented Protocol CORAN Communication ORiented Application aNalysis CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture (OMG) CORDIS COmmunity Research and Development Information Service Europe Class of Service Clip On Socket (CPU) Corporation for Open Systems org., OSI, User group COmputerunterstuetzte SAchbearbeitung COmputing in der Sozialen Arbeit Org, Koeln, Germany Common Open Software Environment (HP, Sun, IBM, SCO, USL, Univel) COSINE Cooperation for OSI Networking in Europe org. COSMOS COmputer System for Mainframe OperationS Common Object Services Specification COpenhagen SGML Tool (SGML), "CoST" Central Office Terminal Connection-Oriented Transport Protocol (OSI, ISO 8073) Connection-Oriented Transport [layer] Service Character Orientated Windows (MS, SAA, UI) Connection Processor Control Point (IBM, SNA) Coordination Point (ISO 9646-3, TTCN) Comprehensive PERL Archive Network (PERL, FTP) Cost Per Copy Common Part Convergence Sublayer (ATM) Cellular Digital Packet Data Customer Premises Equipment Ceramic Pin Grid Array (CPU) Cost Per Hour Characters Per Inch Common Part Indicator (ATM) Common Programming Interface (IBM, SAA) Computer Private branch exchange Interface Common Programming Interface for Communications (IBM, SAA, API), "CPI/C" CoPy In/Out (Unix) Combined Programming Language (DEC, PL/1) Conversational Programming Language (DEC) Control Program for Microcomputers (OS), "CP/M" Cost Per Minute Critical Path Method Central Point Management Services (Central Point) Calling Party Number Compuserve Packet Network network Customer Premises Network CPODA Contention Priority Orientated Demand Assignment (MAC, PODA) Central Processing System Characters Per Second Configurable PostScript Interpreter Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility org., USA Central Processing Unit CPUID Central Processing Unit IDentifier (CPU) Carriage Return (ASCII) CRAFT Cray Research Adaptive FORTRAN (Cray, MPP, FORTRAN) Cache RAM (RAM) Card Random Access Memory (RAM, IC) Cable Repair Administrative System Cyclic Redundancy Check [fraunhofer] Center for Research in Computer Graphics org., USA Common Routing Connection Group Color Rendering Dictionary (PS) Corporation for Research and Educational Networking network Color - Resolution Enhancement Technology (HP), "C-REt" CRFVC Connection Related Function Virtual Channel (UPC, UNI), "CRF(VC)" CRFVP Connection Related Function Virtual Path (UPC, UNI), "CRF(VP)" Cray Research, Inc. manufacturer Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Nancy Org., France CRISC Complex-Reduced Instruction Set Computer CRISP Complex-Reduced Instruction Set Processor Conversational Remote Job Entry (RJE) Certificate Revocation List Carriage Return - Line Feed (ASCII, DOS) Common Reference Platform (PowerPC) Center for Research on Parallel Computation (STC) Cell Relay Service (UNI, ATM) Cathode Ray Tube Computer Technology Research [corporation] provider Cathose Ray Tube Controller (EGA, VGA, MCGA) Carrier Selection Chip Select (IC) Client/Server, "C/S" Code Segment [register] CPU, Intel, assembler Computer Science Controlled Slip [error event] (DS1/E1) Convergence Sublayer (ATM) Capability Set 1 (IN), "CS-1" Capability Set 2 (IN) Callpath Service Architecture (IBM, CTI) Client Service Agent Configuration Status Accounting CSAPI Common Speller Application Program Interface (API) Computer Sciences Corporation provider Concurrent SuperComputing Consortium org. CSCSI Canadian Society for the Computational Studies of Intelligence Org., Canada, AI Computer Supported Cooperative Work Control flow Specification Diagram (CASE) Corrective Service Diskettes (IBM) Circuit Switched Digital Capability Code Segment Descriptor Cache [register] (CS, Intel, CPU) Client-Server Environment CSEIA [conference on] Computer Support for Environmental Impact Assesment IFIP, conference CSELT Centro Studi E Laboratori Telecomunicazioni [s.p.a.] Org., Italy C-bit Severely Errored Seconds (DS3/E3) Constructive Solid Geometry (CAD, CAM) C SHell (Unix, BSD, Shell) Complementary Software House (DEC) CompuServe Incorporated (ISP) Convergence Sublayer Indication (ATM) Caller Station IDentifikation (Fax) CSIDS Central command/Southern command Integrated Data System mil., USA Center for Systems Interoperability and Integration org., ??? CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization org., UK Central Schengen Information Systen SIS, Europe, Strassburg Computer SoLutions [software gmbh] (Haendler) CSLIP Compressed [headers] Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP, IP) Carrier Sense Multiple Access CSMACA Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance, "CSMA/CA" CSMACD Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection IEEE 802.3, ethernet, "CSMA/CD" C Specific Media Support (NEST, MLID, Novell) CSMUX Circuit Switching MUltipleXer (FDDI), "CS-MUX" Card Select Number (PNP) CSNET Computer + Science NETwork USA, network, BITNET Centro Supercacolo Piemonte Org., Italy, HPC Chip Scale Package (IC) Communicating Sequential Processes Cross System Product (IBM) CSPDN Circuit Switched Public Data Network (IN) CSPDU Convergence Sublayer Protocol Data Unit (ATM, PDU), "CS PDU" Computer Systems Policy Project [group] Org., USA. manufacturer Cell misSequenced Ratio (ATM) Cell Switch Router (Toshiba) Cascading Style Sheets (HTML, WWW) Computer Sub System Content Scrambling System (DVD, Matsushita, IBM) Controlled Slip Seconds (DS1/E1) Customer Switching System Central Standard Time [-0600] (TZ, CDT, USA) Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications (ECMA, CTI) Computer Science and Technology Board org., NRC Computer Security Technology Center org., CIAC Computing Systems Technology Office org., ARPA Computer Supported Telecommunications Standard Channel Service Unit (ATM) CSUNET California State University NETwork network, USA Comma Separated Values [magazin fuer] Computer Technik, "c't" Chips & Technologies manufacturer, "C&T" Comprehensive Tex Archive Network (TeX, FTP) Communication ToolBox (Apple) Channel To Channel Adapter (IBM, System/370) Client To Client Protocol (IRC) CTCPEC Canadian Trusted Computer Product Evaluation Criteria (Canada) Cell Transfer Delay (UNI, ATM, QOS) Compliance Test and Evaluation, "CT & E" CTERM Command TERMinal (DEC) Computer Telephony Integration [columbia university] Center for Telecommunications Research org., USA Common Technical Regulations Europe CTRON Central TRON (TRON) Cipher Text Stealing [mode] cryptography Clear To Send (MODEM, RS-232) Conformance Testing Service (OSTC) C Topology Specific Module (NEST, MLID, Novell) Compatible / Cray Time Sharing System Unix, predecessor, OS Cartridge Tape Transport Character Translation Table Cartridge Tape Transport Controller Cell Tolerance Variation (ATM) Console teleTYpe Call Up (Unix) [L] [see you [Later]] slang, Usenet, IRC Common User Application Character User Interface (UI) Common User Interface (AMS, UI) Configurable Unified Search Interface (WWW) Commonly Used System Programm (DEC) Control Unit Terminal ComputerUnterstuetzte Unterweisung Compressed Volume File (DOS) Computer Virus Industry Association org., USA Computer Vision Syndrome CVSELP Codex Vector Sum Excited Linear Prediction [algorithm] (Motorola, VOFR) Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica Org., Netherlands Campus Wide Information System Current Workspace Pointer (SPARC, CPU) Character Width Table Common X-windows Interface (Unix) Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, blacK color system